Summer Conference 2022

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Digital Communications and Media Markets: Power, Policy and Global Perspectives

August 18-19 | Ottawa

Bringing together many of the world’s top researchers and a dozen policy, industry and civil society partners, the GMIC Project launched in 2021 to study the development and transformation of two-dozen digital and traditional communication, Internet and media industries in nearly 40 countries, over the period 1984 until 2027.

This year, the project will hold its inaugural conference August 18-19 at the Dominion Chalmers Centre, a beautiful restored heritage building in the heart of downtown Ottawa, steps away from Parliament Hill. This will be a hybrid event and we will facilitate extensive digital participation as well as in-person attendance.

Events include a series of panels, roundtables and keynote addresses over two days where GMIC Project researchers and invited speakers will:

  • Examine national media and Internet industries developments and concentration trends within select countries.
  • Assess developments and concentration trends across communication markets, online audiovisual media services, and digital platforms within select countries and internationally.
  • Discuss the impact of these developments and trends on international and national policy and regulatory agendas.

Our keynote address will be delivered by the former Chief Competition Economist of the European Commission (2016–2019) and current Professor of Economics at Imperial College London, Tommaso Valletti. Other invited speakers will be announced shortly.

Journalists, industry participants, public officials, advocacy groups and members of the public will also be invited to help build bridges between the Global Media & Internet Concentration Project and policy debates now taking place in Canada and many other countries.

We will announce further details in the coming weeks, but in the meantime please mark your calendars and make plans to join us at this event.

For more information on the GMIC Project and supporting partners, please contact Project Manager: Guy Hoskins, Ph.D.,

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