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Jonas Ohlsson | Lead Researcher
Nordicom, University of Gothenburg
Jonas Ohlsson, PhD is an associate professor and director of Nordicom (Nordic Centre for Media and
Communications Research) at the University of Gothenburg. His PhD study (2012) focused on
ownership influence in the Swedish press. In his role as Nordicom director, Ohlsson oversees
Nordicom’s annual analyses of the financial and structural development of the media markets of
Sweden and the Nordic countries, commissioned by the Swedish Department of Culture and the
Nordic Council of Ministers respectively.
Sjøvaag, H., & Ohlsson, J. (2024, January 30). Media ownership and journalism. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.839.
Ohlsson, J. & Facht, U. (2017). Ad wars: digital challenges for ad-financed news media in the Nordic Countries. Göteborg: Nordicom, Göteborgs universitet.
Ohlsson, J. (2012). The practice of newspaper ownership: Fifty years of control and influence in the Swedish local press. Diss. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg.
Tobias Lindberg | Lead Researcher
Nordicom, University of Gothenburg
Tobias Lindberg, PhD is a researcher at Nordicom (Nordic Centre for Media and Communications
Research) at the University of Gothenburg. His research focuses on media development in the Nordic
region. Since 2021, Lindberg has been responsible for Nordicom’s annual analyses of the financial
and structural development of the Swedish media market, which are published in collaboration with
the Swedish Media Authority.
Lindberg, T. (2024). Koncentrerad mångfald i global konkurrens: En analys av den svenska
nyhetsmarknadens ägarkonsolidering och strukturutveckling 2014–2024 [Concentrated diversity in
global competition: An analys of the ownership consolidation and structural development of the
Swedish news market 2014–2024]. Göteborg: Nordicom.
Lindberg, T. (2024). Medieutveckling 2024 – Medieekonomi [Media development 2024 – Media
economy]. Stockholm: The Swedish Media Authority.
Lindberg, T. (2023). Nordic news media in global competition: The conditions for news journalism in
the digital platform economy. Göteborg: Nordicom.
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