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Dal Yong Jin | Lead Researcher
Simon Fraser University
Dal Yong Jin is a Director and Distinguished Professor in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada. He completed his Ph.D. at the Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Jin’s major research and teaching interests are on digital platforms and digital games, globalization and media, transnational cultural studies, and the political economy of media and culture. Jin has published numerous books and journal articles, including Korea’s Online Gaming Empire (MIT Press, 2010), New Korean Wave: transnational cultural power in the age of social media (University of Illinois Press, 2016) and Smartland Korea: mobile communication, culture and society (University of Michigan Press, 2017).
Selected publications
Jin, D. Y. (2021). Artificial intelligence in cultural production: Critical perspectives on digital platforms. Routledge.
Jin, D. Y. (2021). The Routledge handbook of digital media and globalization. Routledge.
Jin, D. Y., Yoon, K., & Min, W. J. (2021). Transnational Hallyu: The globalization of Korean digital and popular culture. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Hong, S-K. & Jin, D. Y. (Eds.). (2021). Convergence of East Asian pop culture. Routledge.
Jin, D. Y. (2021). Global esports: Transformation of cultural perceptions of competitive gaming. Bloomsbury Academic.
Jin, D. Y. (Ed.). (2020). Transmedia storytelling in East Asia: The age of digital media. Routledge.
Lee, H. J., & Jin, D. Y. (2019). K-pop idols : Popular culture and the emergence of the Korean music industry. Lexington Books.
Jin, D. Y. (2019). Globalization and media in the digital platform age. Routledge.
Jin, D. Y. (2019). Transnational Korean cinema: Cultural politics, film genres, and digital technologies. Rutgers University Press.
Jin, D. Y., & Su, W. (Eds.). (2019). Asia-Pacific film co-productions: Theory, industry and aesthetics. Routledge.
Seoyeon Park | Research Assistant
Simon Fraser University
Seoyeon Park is a Ph.D. student in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada. He has an MA in Mass Communications from Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea. His research areas are critical media studies, the political economy of communication, and STS. He has been focusing on digital capitalism in South Korea, exploring how capitalist society and new media technologies have driven each other’s changes. His recent research interest is the role of capital and state in constructing the social meaning and function of new technology.
Selected publications
Won, Y., Park, S. (2021). 메가플랫폼 네이버: 한국인터넷 산업의 성장과 그늘[Megaplatform Nave r: The development of the Korean Internet industry and its shadow]. Culturelook. [Korean]
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