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Petrus Potgieter | Lead Researcher
University of South Africa
Professor Petrus Potgieter, Department of Decision Sciences, University of South Africa and Institute for Technology and Network Economics, publishes on telecommunications policy, new technologies and various aspects of quantitative modelling and economics. He is interested in mathematical and computational science for industry and has participated in several projects on the measurement of concentration in communications industries, including the International Media Concentration project of the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. He has blogged for many years at CyphAfrica.com, mainly on topics related to technology and privacy.
Angelopulo, George, and Petrus Potgieter. 2022. “But How Much News Do We Really Get?: Actual Access to the News Media Among Different Audiences in South Africa.” In Media Diversity in South Africa, 58–74. Routledge.
Feijóo, Claudio, Youngsun Kwon, Johannes M Bauer, Erik Bohlin, Bronwyn Howell, Rekha Jain, Petrus Potgieter, Khuong Vu, Jason Whalley, and Jun Xia. 2020. “Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Increase Wellbeing for All: The Case for a New Technology Diplomacy.” Telecommunications Policy 44 (6): 101988.
Howell, Bronwyn E, Petrus H Potgieter, and Ronald Sofe. 2019. “Regulating for Telecommunications Competition in Developing Countries: Papua New Guinea.”Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 33 (1): 98–112.
Howell, Bronwyn, and Petrus H Potgieter. 2021a. “A Tale of Two Contact-Tracing Apps–Comparing Australia’s CovidSafe and New Zealand’s NZ Covid Tracer.” Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance.
Potgieter, Petrus. 2020. “Machine Learning and Forecasting: A Review.” Applied Economics in the Digital Era, 193–207.
George Angelopulo | Lead Researcher
University of South Africa
George Angelopulo is Professor in the Department of Communication Science at the University of South Africa (Unisa). He most recently held a Research Professorship and has been recognised by the South African National Research Foundation as a “Rated Researcher”. George focuses on connectivity, with particular attention on audience and market analysis, media and communication industries. He has developed diagnostics that include the iBrand Barometer® and Communication Prioritization Index® and completed media, market and audience research with, amongst others, the Media Policy and Democracy Project, Brand South Africa, South Africa’s Reserve Bank and the Global Media and Internet Concentration Project. Prior to his academic career George was involved in the commercial operations of a number of South African and Namibian media companies.
Angelopulo, G. & Potgieter, PH. 2021. But how much news do we really get? Actual access to the news media among different audiences in South Africa. In: J Reid (ed), New concepts for media diversity: A view from South Africa. Pretoria: Unisa Press.
Potgieter, PH. & Angelopulo, G. 2021. The lay of the media landscape: media ownership concentration in South Africa. In: J Reid (ed), New concepts for media diversity: A view from South Africa. Pretoria: Unisa Press.
Angelopulo, G. 2021. A comparative measure of inclusive urbanisation in the cities of Africa. World Development Perspectives 22(100313) ISSN 2452-2929. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wdp.2021.100313
Mekonnen, S. & Angelopulo, G. 2021. Connectivity: A prism for the identification of IMC constructs in the Ethiopian beer market. Retail and Marketing Review 17(1):43-55.
Angelopulo, G., Wegelin, J., de Kock, P. & Thirion-Venter, E. 2020. Understanding a Nation: A Social Segmentation of the Diverse South African Population. Politikon 47(2):115-135.
Angelopulo, G. 2019. Mapping connectivity in the relationship between Africa and China. China in Africa and Africa in China – Impact on Local Societies, Economies and Cultures, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. 13 December.
Angelopulo, G. 2019. Master or Servant? Africa and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Triennial SoA Conference, University of South Africa, Magaliesburg, South Africa. 2 October.
Angelopulo, G & Potgieter, PH. 2016. South Africa. In: LM Noam (ed), Who Owns the World’s Media? Media Concentration and Ownership around the World. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Yolandi Botha (Slabbert) | Lead Researcher
University of South Africa
Yolandi Botha (previously Slabbert) is a Full Professor in Organisational Communication in the Department of Communication Science at the University of South Africa and is involved in both pre and postgraduate tuition and supervision. She is rated researcher of the National Research Foundation (Y2) and has published locally and internationally on strategic communication, stakeholder engagement, change communication, stakeholder relationship building and social media. Prof Botha is an active member of various communication associations and serves on the Editorial and Reviewers’ Board of the Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, an e-journal hosted by ATINER. She is also part of a research project hosted by Arizona State University that focuses on evaluating the value of business communication in academia and practice.
Botha, Y. & Meintjes, C. 2021. Relational capital through strategic stakeholder engagement. In R. Benecke, S. Verwey & T Phumo (eds). Strategic Communication: South African Perspectives. Oxford University Press: Cape Town: 221-242. ISBN:9780190751234
Meintjes, C. & Botha, Y. 2021. Brand legitimacy and social justice: building social capital through corporate social responsiveness. In R. Benecke, S. Verwey & T Phumo (eds). Strategic Communication: South African Perspectives. Oxford University Press: Cape Town: 287-310. ISBN: 9780190751234
Botha, Y. 2021. Extending polyphonic strategic communication to stakeholder engagement: Exploring deliberate-emergent and radical-emergent approaches. Management Dynamics 30(2): 1-14.
Botha, Y. 2021. Prominent theoretical frameworks in social media research. In TC du Plessis & A Abdool-Satar (eds). An introduction to social media research: Theory and Application. Juta: Pretoria: 77-103. ISBN: 9781485130840
Botha, Y. 2019. A balancing act: Stakeholder enablement and empowerment towards multiple stakeholder engagement. In M. Twum-Darko (ed.), Pragmatic business solutions by Africa for Africa: 5th International Conference on Business and Management Dynamics 2019 proceedings, IFRDs, UAE, September 2-4, 2019, pp. 24-37. ISBN: 978-1-928396-17-8
Slabbert, Y. 2018. From monologue to dialogue: Key considerations for an approach to multiple stakeholder engagement. 8thBiennial conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development 8(1):104-121, 17-21 July, Athens, Greece. ISBN: 978-0-9943178-8-9.
Slabbert, Y. 2018. Accepting change as part of organgisational life: Does this resonate with high-change organisations in South Africa? Communicare 37(2): 127-149.
Barker, R. & Slabbert, Y. 2018. Towards shared meaning: Inline communication media as change agent for sustainable strategic stakeholder relationships. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 58(1-4): 841-859.
Slabbert, Y. 2018. Co-change-orientated communication: A collaborative approach to making sense of change. Communitas 23(1): 87-107.
Slabbert, Y. 2016. Collaboration, continuity and emergence: Change-orientated from a postmodern strategic communication perspective. Conference proceedings: 7th Biennial conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development 7(1): 37-51, 18-21 July, Krakow, Poland. ISBN 978-0-9943178-4-1.
Slabbert, Y. 2016. A new conceptual framework to strengthen internal corporate image: A stakeholder-inclusive perspective. Communicatio 42(2): 253-275.
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