A report produced by the Argentine research team of the Global Media and Internet Research Project

This report investigates media developments and market concentration trends across nearly two dozen communication, internet and media industries that make up the Argentine network media economy. We start by studying each of the sectors covered individually before grouping them into three larger mid-range categories of similar types of services: telecoms and internet access sectors, online and traditional media services, and core internet sectors. Ultimately, the report provides a composite view of the network media economy during the period from 2019 to 2021.

Recommended citation: Mastrini, G., Becerra, M., Bizberge, A., Carboni, A., Espada, A., Sosa, F. (2024). “Communications, media and internet concentration in Argentina, 2019-2021.” Global Media and Internet Concentration Project. https://doi.org/10.22215/gmicp/2024.6